group history
about JMJ
built by JMJ 1918 - 60
built by JMJ 1961 - 85
built by JMJ 1986 - 07
housing development
international projects
iraq projects
about jmj
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delivering your buildings since 1918

J.M.Jones & Sons (Holdings) Ltd. is a fourth generation family property development and construction group founded in 1918. The company is managed today by three members of the Jones family and has its offices in Oxford, UK with additional offices in the Middle East and Paris.

JMJ core business in 2008 is the financing and construction of major capital projects in politically difficult, post-war and insecure environments notably in the Middle East, combined with the groups traditional business of housing and property development in Europe. Subsidiary companies with local or specific remits include:-

JM Jones and Sons Ltd
A joint company owned with Quintain Estates and Development Plc. for the development of a special new stone technology for very low cost Housing.

Buractimm Jordan EC
The Group’s Amman based subsidary dedicated to financing and constructing major capital projects in Iraq.

The Iraq property development consortium owned with local partners. 

Buractimm Limited
The group’s project management and European development arm run from the UK and Paris.

Almia JMJ AG
The Group’s Swiss development subsidiary.

Haydn the Prince Investments Ltd
Haydn are the principal financiers to the JMJ Group under the leadership of their CEO Mohamed Al Wahab who is also a JMJ Group Director. Mr. Mutlaq Alhuosaini is the Director for the Middle East while Mr. Jamal Jomaa is the Director for Central and South America.